AIM : TonyGibble
ModelMayhem : #179877
Lancaster PA:
Approximately three hours from New York City and Washington DC, one and a half hours from Philadelphia and Baltimore and forty-five minutes from Harrisburg, Reading and York.
I am a very experienced model from Lancaster Pa. I am Gay. I am also engaged to model Clint Shields. We love to travel and work together. In my portfolio you will find images of our work together. Since we travel together we are always both available for a shoot together though that does not necessarily mean we have to be in all the same shots. For TRADE work we come as a package deal and/or will be accompanying each other to the shoot. For Paid work, we will be accompanying each other and if you are interested in both our looks, we offer our Individual Rate to book us both. Below you find details on booking work with me, my views on Photography and Art, Projects I am interested in as well as being able to view my full resume of experience. My main objective here is to network with Photographers, Designers and Make Up Artists in a professional manner for the purposes of exchanging advice, experiences, collaborating and booking paid work. I am very friendly and outgoing , I like to have a great time and meet new talented people but I take what I do very seriously. I conduct myself in a very professional manner and expect those I work and communicate with to do the same. Thank you for visiting my web site and feel free to send me an email regarding my work or any inquiries you may have.
I have a wide range of passions and interests in the realm of Photography. My goal is to always push forward in my work but to always maintain a strong Artistic value at the same time. I am not afraid to push boundaries in fact I feel that is exactly what most Art is born from. Exceeding limits and expectations. Whether I am working a Fashion Shoot or a Fine Art Nude I always bring the same determination and intensity to “Get the Shot”! Some of the best shoots are the long hard ones. The ones in freezing water or stretched out on 100 degree pavement naked. Modeling is work and it’s also what I love… I hope you see that in my work!
As stated above I have a wide range of project interests and many styles of photography I want to explore. My goal is be as diverse as possible. One of my more resent passions lies in Extreme Posing. I love images that require me to move and pose in Extreme Angles. I find this it be challenging to perform and exciting to view in the finished image. I love Fashion Photography as well as Fine Art Nudes. Under Artistic guidelines I am interested in tasteful Erotic Art and Body Scaping. As mentioned above my Fiance’ Clint Shields and I are available for images involving a couple and we greatly enjoy working together on these projects.
My normal fee for a typical shoot varies on whether the Project interests me and whether I am going to receive copies of any finished images and/or Tearsheet. When booking a Paid Shoot of any kind it is all about what the Photographer (Client) wants to shoot and I do not expect to receive images. However, I do offer a Fee Discount if copy of images are provided. Also when booking a Paid Shoot travel and accommodations are not expected, that is included in my fee*. My Per Hour Rates are listed below, shoots that are of substantial length (more the 3 hours) are negotiable in a Flat Rate Per Shoot. Just Email me if the shoot you have in mind will require more then 3 hours. For all my shoots I am accompanied by my Fiance’ Model Clint Shields and if desired his services are included during or after our Shoot free of charge in exchange for copy of CD. This is something we offer whenever one or the other Books a Shoot.
His resume and work can be viewed on his web site,
FASHION or other Non-Nude Shoot NOT Including Copy Of Images On CD
$80 per Hour
Includes Model Clint Shields TFCD
FASHION or other Non-Nude Shoot Including Copy Of Images On CD
$60 per Hour
Includes Model Clint Shields TFCD
Nude Shoot NOT Including Copy Of Images On CD
$100 per Hour
Includes Model Clint Shields TFCD
Nude Shoot Including Copy Of Images On CD
$80 per Hour
Includes Model Clint Shields TFCD
* Erotic Shoot Rates Are Determined On An Individual Basis Based On The Requirements Of The Shoot.
** Whole Day and Half Day Prices Are Available Upon Request.
*** Travel time to get to the shoot location must be equal or less then the length of time the shoot is scheduled for, otherwise a travel fee will need accessed.
**** On occasion if a Shoot location is of substantial distance from me (More then 3 hours travel time) and if I really love the Project my fee will be waved in exchange for our Travel, Accommodations and copy of CD being provided.
I am accepting very little TFP/CD work at the moment. I usually reserve this type of shoot for Photographers, MUAs and Designers I have worked with before or Photographers with an incredible portfolio and concept that I think will benefit my own portfolio as well as for individuals that I feel I can learn from and enjoy working with. That being said, if you have a concept in mind and would like to work with me it never hurts to ask. When I do accept TFP/CD work I like to make sure the details and expectations of the shoot are clear to all parties involved. If interested in working with me on a TFP/CD basis please read the following on how I view TFP/TFCD work before contacting me with your proposal as very few times do I stray from this. Some peoples opinions vary on the subject of TFP/CD work and experience has taught me to discuss details before booking any such work so as to ensure that everyone is on the same page.
The difference I see between TFP/CD (TRADE) work and a paid shoot is that with a Trade shoot it is a collaboration between Model and Photographer to capture images that both are looking to create to benefit both portfolios. Both Model and Photographer should have some say in what images are touched up for portfolio use so both get images they can be proud of though not necessarily the same images. With a Trade shoot the images are to be used strictly for portfolio use and the images are not to be sold or published in a manner that generates income for the Photographer OR Model. Verses a Paid shoot is totally the Photographer’s or Client’s shoot. The Model is at the Photographer’s or Client’s disposal, to model for what the they want to shoot either for their portfolio or for images to sell, publish or for use in some other form of promotion. With a Paid shoot the images can be used in any manner by the Photographer as he/she has paid for them.
When I do Trade work I ask for proofs of all images that are clear and in focus to select images I would like to see edited. This can be done at the time of the shoot which is preferred for Studio work, through the Photographers web site or by CD provided at the time of the shoot or by mail immediately following the shoot. If the photographer does not want to edit them for any personal reason and or does not want his/her name to be credited to a particular image I simply ask that I be supplied the raw image to edit and use myself. I also ask with Trade work for a copy of every image that is edited in both web ready and high resolution formats on CD. Web ready images may be emailed as well. I ask that a maximum two week turn around on receiving the CD of edited images that we selected unless there is some valid reason discussed prior to the shoot for why more time is needed. When I schedule a Trade shoot I treat it as any Paid shoot, I allow enough time to satisfy the needs of the shoot and that of the Photographer in my part of the images and I expect the same treatment from the Photographer.
All in all Trade work can and should be a wonderful experience between to talented people that produces a finished product that everyone can be proud of and provided respect and mutual consideration is always given you always get that working with me!
"For those of you that have not worked with Tony....WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? Seriously, there is room in my schedule anytime for this talented model! Thanks for a great shoot, looking forward to the next." Melis
RayVin Photography -
"Hey Tony. Great working with both of you today. Shoot went so smoothly and that's thanks to yours and Clint's professionalism and eagar participation. One of (your) photos I decided to turn into a fresco painting because the pose was perfect for that treatment. A number of your poses Tony were perfect D&G spots, especially the swimwear ones and the shots at the window were dead on ads. I could see them in Vogue.You did exactly what a model is supposed to; you sold yourself AND the product.Thanks again."
UVENIO Designs-
"U sure rocked my world in my designs, can't wait to see you rock my world in more of my designs! U are sooooo amazing! U are such a special and beautiful supermodel to have as a good friend too!"
AK Black Photography -
"I too want to thank you for an amazing day. I needed a great shoot like this. Your passion for you work and your professionalism is a true reminder to me about why I enjoy this so much. I can't wait to work with you again." A~
Jack Cutler Photography -
"It is always difficult to look at a friends image with an objective eye. Your images make it even more difficult because of the consistent quality. Thanks for a great job, you were a pleasure to work with"
Trey Bruggeman Photo -
Fashion Portolio Shoot
"Tony, Thanks for all the hard work during the shoot this weekend. I truly enjoyed working wtih you and am looking forward to our next shoot. You make my job easy!"
MomentsByLark -
"I'm sorry we didnt get more time together saturday you have such expressive eyes and the way you use your body to speak makes it that much more expressive {not to mention sexy} I'd love to get together and shoot again!"
Colford Studios -
"Tony, You were a joy to work with this past weekend. You were a consumate professional. I would easily work with you again and again. Thanks for a great shoot." ~Ryan
Jim Stauffer -
Lancaster City Shoot
"Great job ToNY!!
You are a true professional.
Had a great time!"
Kleingeld Art Photography -
Fashion Art Exhibit and Editorial
"Hey Tony, You are fantastic! Be the force with you.
keep your style. You are the man.
Peace & Love,
C. Kleingeld & the DC crew"
Damaged Digital -
Lifestyle Shoot for future Exhibit & Book
"I had a blast shooting with you too, you gorgeous man you!"