Natasha’s Glamour Model & Talent Mgt.
What is Natasha’s Glamour Model & Talent Management?
* Natasha’s Glamour Model & Talent Management is a member of the Screen Actors Guild also known as SAG.
* Natasha’s Glamour Model & Talent Management is a management company designed to help model/talent enter into the world of modeling, acting, dancing and industry related careers by developing, marketing, and managing potential models/actors.
* Natasha’s Glamour Model & Talent Management is not a modeling or acting school.
Who does Natasha’s Mgt. Work for?
* As a Sag Member, Natasha’s Glamour Model & Talent Management works with the industry’s largest network of agents and directors in the world.
* Natasha's Glamour Model & Talent Management displays its actors/models to international agents, casting directors, editors, designers, and the music industry all over the world.
Evaluation / Interview Process:
* In order to maintain the highest industry standards a Natasha’s Glamour Model & Talent Management director must evaluate each and every potential talent.
* Natasha's Glamour Model & Talent Management interviews potential talent of ages 18 and up, and ethic backgrounds. A legal parent or guardian must accompany talent at the interview. During the interview a director evaluates the talents:
• Attitude & Personality
• Ambitions, Goals
• Appearances & Marketability
My Successes:
• Connexxxion Magazine
• Freaky Don’s Music Vide
• Bikini Bike Wash - Promotional Modeling
• Videos promos for Mike Millz
• Floss Magazine
• Coogi
• Re’al Magazine
• Kools Cigarette - Promotional Modeling
* Apple Bottoms
* Parish - Nations
* D Katour Clothing
* First Choice / First Ladee
* Ray Grand Apparel