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We are currently looking for new talent as our clients always ask us for models before they go elsewhere. Please feel free to e-mail me with questions or comments.
Studio Rental to Photographers who need a studio in the Lansing area. $55.00 per hour
WHAT WE DO: We create high quality and creative photographs to help businesses with their growth and marketing to generate professional images.
WHY IT WORKS: Professional looking photographs mirror your company’s quality and performance.
WHAT MAKES US DIFFERENT: Years of experience and continual education starting with a Bachelor of Science degree from The Rochester Institute of Technology, National Association of Photoshop Professionals, and many workshops and webinars with key note photographers from across the United States, and Europe.
WHAT OTHERS SAY: “Has an extraordinary ability to photograph inherently difficult situations and present an excellent selection of photographs; Is always a pleasure doing business; Does a wonderful job on our photographs; We were having a great deal of difficulty getting some of the shots we needed and you have the equipment and talent to do some things we just couldn’t do.”
READY TO TALK?: Contact me directly with e-mail at JDS@JDSmallStudios.com
Or by phone 517 281-5633, text or call.
I’m looking forward to working with you.
Thank you,
J.D. Small
517 281-5633
Also, please visit our main web page http://www.JDSmallPhotography.com