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The social network for models, photographers and talent.

No member numbers - promote your name and brand.

Worldwide database of reviewed models, photographers - Free to join!

MuseCube - [myooz-kyoob] (noun) - A powerful device used for summoning talent and inspiration.

MuseCube was established in 2003, and quickly became one of the dominant modeling and photography networking sites on the Internet.

Trusted by some of the major players in the industry, MuseCube has always held itself to a higher standard by representing talent of a wide-range of experience, while maintaining a standard of professionalism.

MuseCube is a free service, tailored for talent of any level of experience.

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Now Open - MuseCube Swag Shop!

Official MuseCube Gear - Designed by Selected Artists
Awesome artwork - custom styles and colors
High Quality, premium fabrics
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Total Members: 161,943
Total Images: 497,703
Total Messages: 1,383,723
Portfolio Views: 329,998,169

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